Por Juanita Gómez Peláez Psicóloga Clínica Terapeuta DBT - Mindfulness@psicologa.juanitagomez
Tu WHY es una br...
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The Why Project is a community that believes in the importance of living a life of purpose. On this podcast, its founder, Mau Montaner, will talk with guests from all walks of life about their experiences in searching and living through their WHY.
Desde que los seres humanos habitamos este mundo nos hemos preguntado para qué estamos en él, los cuestionamientos existenciales respecto al sentido de la vida nos han acompañado desde el inicio de nuestros tiempos.
2019, on tour, watching a Jerry Lorenzo interview. In that moment, it all began.
My mind was blown away by what I was listening to. He said this phrase that changed it all for me: “When you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, the result doesn’t matter”.